From the course: Help Your Team Prioritize What Matters Most

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Simplify decision-making

Simplify decision-making

- This past week, how many times did people ask your permission for something that shouldn't have involved you? Take a pause here and tally up as many examples as you can remember. Now, even if those interruptions happened only once or twice a day, it's still time you could be spending on strategy, innovation, and other valuable activity. To start reclaiming your time, borrow the blueprint used by a group of managers at Merck Pharmaceuticals and delegate decisions. A few years ago, they decided to stop making decisions that their direct reports were already authorized to make. And by that I mean minor, but constant questions like: Should we invite Andrew from data analytics to tomorrow's meetings? Or can I share this RFP with the comms department? The managers at Merck were hoping to boost accountability, while getting back some of their own time, and that's exactly what happened. Their employees made more decisions, smart…
