From the course: Help Your Team Prioritize What Matters Most

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Are you creating complexity?

Are you creating complexity?

- How often do you experience red tape at work? Once a week, a dozen times, constantly? If you answered constantly, you're among the 74% who describe their work environment as complex. People love to blame technology, but much of our daily complexity, emails, reports, meetings, is driven by humans. Rather than point fingers though, let's turn our focus inward. As leaders, we need to examine whether we're contributing to complexity. To see where you stand on the complexity spectrum, grab your notepad or device to capture your responses to three statements. Answer with A or B, and with radical candor. Question one, I encourage my teams to make blank a priority, maximum output, valuable work. Number two, my work days are typically consumed by, meetings, emails, and reports, or fulfilling the needs of customers/clients. And finally, number three, I reward employees most often for, completing tasks or projects…
