From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography
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Working with a light meter
From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography
Working with a light meter
- Now that I have my lights basically set up, it's time to bring my subject into place and really fine-tune the lights, position them so that they're aimed right, and also adjust how bright they're going to flash. And to do that, I'm going to use a light meter that I can actually register what output each of these lights are giving me. So the first thing I want to do is I want to tweak this just a little bit, I want to make sure that it's aimed at my talent. And this is a good opportunity that if your talent is taller or shorter than you anticipated, you can raise or lower this. So the first thing you want to do is just kind of tweak to make sure that the lights are properly aimed at your subject, and now you're ready to set up how bright they're going to be. And I'm going to use a light meter to do this. I have a couple of examples here. I have Illuminati Light Meter, and these are pretty cool because I can…
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Using studio strobes for photography2m 12s
Working with a light meter6m 36s
Adjusting studio strobes2m 50s
Lighting the green screen for even exposure2m 30s
Lighting the subject1m 35s
Working with the camera histogram1m 31s
Using constant lighting for photo and video3m 27s
Eliminating spill1m 47s