From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Initial processing of the raw photo

Initial processing of the raw photo

- Okay, it's time to move on to photography. And Aba's back and as our photographer, he's going to really drive this session, but we're going to work together to take some of the techniques you just learned about working with backgrounds, and start to combine them with images. Aba, you really had so many great photos, let's talk about this one. Why did you pick this one? - [Aba] I picked this one for a few reasons. One, I really like her pose and I like the angle, and also it presented us some challenges. Not only to we need to crop out the background, but we also need to remove the green so we can put her over the background that I showed her on set. - [Host] Excellent. So we have this image open in Camera Raw, and it becomes necessary to make a few basic adjustments. So what do you want to do to this image? - [Aba] I think I need to open up the shadows a little bit, because I think we're losing a little bit of…
