From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Enhancing the image with digital lighting

Enhancing the image with digital lighting

- With After Effects, you can adjust the lighting for multiple layers using digital lighting. Let's take a look at how that's done. So, we've got our camera move here, and it's looking really good. But let's say I wanted to adjust it even more. I'm going to go ahead and create a digital light by going up to layer, new, light. We have all different types of options in After Effects, but I'm going to go ahead and create a spotlight. And you can see immediately that when I added the spotlight, both the foreground element and the background element look like it's being lit by a real spot light. Let's go ahead and adjust some of the properties and make this look even better. I'm going to go down to our spot light layer, I'm going to twirl down to reveal the light options. I'm also going to twirl down to reveal the transform properties. And here, I can move our light. You can adjust the point of interest, make sure that…
