From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography
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An introduction to keying in After Effects
From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography
An introduction to keying in After Effects
- Let's take a look at how to key in After Effects. I'm here in After Effects, and I've got my clip in my project window. I'm going to go ahead and drag it over to my selection for new composition from footage. You can see, I've now had the clip in the comp window, and I have it down in the timeline. The one thing you'll notice is that the clip is horizontal. We actually shot this footage vertically, so we want to correct it so that our subject is looking vertical instead of on the side. So, let's go ahead, I'm going to select my clip down here in the timeline. I'm going to hit "r" to reveal the rotation properties, and I'm going to use my slider here to rotate it to 90 degrees. It looks good. And now, I'm going to move my mouse up here in the comp window and reposition it. And now, with my layer selected down here in the timeline, I'm going to go up to "Effect", "Keying", "Keylight". And now, you can see that I've…
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An introduction to keying in Premiere Pro4m 40s
Matching color and exposure for video in Premiere Pro5m 39s
An introduction to keying in Final Cut Pro X3m 41s
Refining the key in Final Cut Pro X5m 24s
Matching color and exposure for video in Final Cut Pro X3m 31s
An introduction to keying in After Effects6m 9s
Positioning the background in Z space1m 55s
Animating the 3D camera5m 25s
Enhancing the image with digital lighting5m 25s