From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography
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The theory of typographic relativity
From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography
The theory of typographic relativity
- I'd like to talk about an important concept in typography which is the role of proper proportions, or as I like to call it, the typographic theory of relativity. This theory applies to everything you design using type. This is about the way in which typographic elements interact with each other. A successful design has many parts and those parts all exist in relation to one another. For example, if you are following a recipe when you're preparing a meal and you decide to change the amount of one of the ingredients, you have to also change the amounts of all the other ingredients in proportion. The relationships of the ingredients to one another is a key factor in how they interact, to create a balance of flavors. Put another way, every ingredient has an effect on every other ingredient. Another example of the theory of relativity, is the feeling you get when you walk into a well-designed room. You feel comforted by…
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Welcome to the wonderful world of type43s
Why good typography matters2m 31s
The power of type: Print-based and screen-based3m 43s
The theory of typographic relativity1m 56s
Becoming a good "type detective"4m 49s
Getting the most out of this course2m 16s