From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Expert characters and analphabetic symbols

Expert characters and analphabetic symbols

From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

Expert characters and analphabetic symbols

- What is an analphabetic symbol? Analphabetic symbols are typographic marks that are not part of the basic character set and they're better known as dingbats. If someone called me a dingbat, I'd say, "Thank you, I'm a big fan of dingbats." The original meaning of the word dingbat dates back to at least 1880. It's also known as a printer's ornament or a printer's character. Dingbats are some of the most interesting typographic symbols. There are entire fonts devoted to dingbats. Some have hundreds of dingbats. Thanks to Hermann Zapf, pretty much everyone who has a computer is familiar with the font Zapf Dingbats. There are thousands of dingbat fonts, some of which are highly illustrative and specific, not to mention entertaining. You can find dingbats on any subject. So dingbats are a whole world of their own. But now let's get back to your basic set of alphabetic characters in a typical typeface. In a typical…
