From the course: GoPro HERO: Car and Motorcycle Mounts

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Mounting a GoPro to the side of a car

Mounting a GoPro to the side of a car - GoPro HERO Tutorial

From the course: GoPro HERO: Car and Motorcycle Mounts

Mounting a GoPro to the side of a car

Okay, so now we're moving to the outside of the car to plan and execute some of our exterior camera positions. And I'm going to start with one of, kind of the standard but still exciting camera positions, which is the wheels' eye view of the road. Can't lose with this shot, I mean, when the, the wheels turn and you see the road going by it's a good shot. So, we're going to do this one, so we're going to use suction cups again. We're going to pick the spot, we're going to clean it. I can't say this enough because there's never this kind of stuff on the set. You always want to have, cleaning material to make that surface nice and clean and dry, don't mount it wet. So, we're going to pick this spot just past the door, I'm going to use another little toy that it's in my kit that's still suction cup based but it's saves me all the trouble of all the extra grippage. It's got this sort of articulating arm on it that allows me added adjustability to put the camera where I want, I also want to…
