From the course: Google Sheets: Pivot Tables
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From the course: Google Sheets: Pivot Tables
Further information
- [Instructor] Thanks again for your interest in this course. I hope you've gotten a lot out of it, and I certainly have learned a lot creating it. Before I go, I wanted to point you to some further resources that you can find in the online training library. First is the course Google Sheets Essential Training with Sally Norred. Sally does a great job going over everything you need to know about Google Sheets, so if there's anything you're not clear about, whether with pivot tables or with other parts of Sheets, that is a terrific course to look into. Second, I have a course on Google Sheets' advanced formulas and functions, so if you need more summaries than you can create using pivot tables, please do take a look at that course. And finally, if you work a lot with Google Drive, whether with Google Sheets or with any of the other programs that are available, I highly recommend Jess Stratton's course, Google Drive Advanced Tips and Tricks. She does a great job with the course of…
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