From the course: Google Sheets: Pivot Tables

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Edit a pivot table’s data source

Edit a pivot table’s data source

From the course: Google Sheets: Pivot Tables

Edit a pivot table’s data source

- One truth about business is that your data collections are always changing. Any time new data comes in, you need to update your pivot table, to reflect the new state of your business. In Google Sheets, that means that you need to update the range reference for your pivot table. In this movie, I will show you how to edit the range reference and my sample files 0104_Source which you can find in the Chapter 1 folder of your exercise files collection. This workbook contains two worksheets. I've switched to pivot table two. There's also sheet one which contains my data source. This pivot table summarizes data for four projects and for the year 2016. However, I happen to know that my data source on sheet one has data for both 2016 and 2017. If I look at the pivot table editor, and if for some reason you don't see that, for example, if you clicked the close button, then you can click any cell within the pivot table to bring it back. I see that my reference for the data goes sheet one, okay…
