From the course: Google Sheets: Advanced Topics

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Business challenge overview

Business challenge overview

Now it's time to put everything you've learned into practice. Before you get started, let's remind ourselves of the business challenge. On the Rise bakeries has recently started to use Google Sheets to compile and analyze their hiring data. Partner owner, Thomas Omar, has been so pleased with the increased visibility into the data that he has asked the leadership team to use the same approach with the sales data. Thomas notes that he would like to have a visual representation of recent on the rise sales so he can easily see what is happening at a glance. He mentions a few new locations in Asia Pacific which were of particular interest to him. He'd like to see how these stores are performing. The leadership team asks for your help. They would like you to create a Google Form so that the Asia Pacific stores can easily and securely share their sales data. The leadership team also asked for your help converting the data into two visual graphics so that they can determine which stores…
