From the course: Google Gemini: Get Started with Google's AI Assistant

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- Coming up with the right questions to ask an AI assistant, like Gemini, can be challenging, but Gemini offers prompt suggestions to help you learn. And, when you find a really effective prompt, you can save it or share it with your teammates. When you click the "New Chat" button to start a new interaction, Gemini will show a few suggested prompts. This helps you understand the types of things the AI can help with, but if you see a prompt you want to try, you can just click on it. Now, before you submit the question, you can make changes to anything in the prompt to customize it. The highlighted parts are the operative words or phrases that you definitely should change for your needs, but you can change any of this text, then click "Submit." Now, what if you've written a great prompt, and Gemini gave you a very useful response? Well, Gemini keeps a list of your conversation history in the sidebar on the left. You may need to click the button at the top to show or hide the panel. You…
