From the course: Google Gemini: Get Started with Google's AI Assistant

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Choose the right Gemini product

Choose the right Gemini product

- If you want to try Gemini, you can get started for free right now by going to You'll need to sign in with a Google account, but it works with a free account, and this is a great way to start getting familiar with the basic tools, but there are upgraded subscriptions that you can buy to open up more features. If you're working alone, not part of a team or a company, you can switch over to Gemini Advanced. This is an upgrade that costs 19.99 per month, but lets you use the Gemini Ultra language model, which is capable of more accurate answers and more complex tasks. And it also allows you to use the Gemini AI features inside of Google apps, like Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Once you've set up Gemini Advanced, you'll be able to switch between Gemini Advanced and the free version. Now, if you work for a company or similar organization that uses Google Workspace for collaboration across your team, then there are different solutions. Your organization can…
