From the course: Google Calendar Essential Training

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Search your calendars

Search your calendars

- [Instructor] You can search your calendar if you don't remember when or where a particular event is or even what calendar it's on. Click the magnifying glass on the top right-hand side and it's going to open up a search box. The easiest way to get started is to put in as many or as little words as you know about the event. Instantly, some meetings will come up, and if any are found, you can click on them and it will take you directly to that event. You can also hit the enter key on your keyboard. This is going to take you into a more formal listing of events found. Anything that's gray or has a strike through is a past event. You can still click on these events and go right to them and the color beside the event will tell you what calendar it's on. You do have some more options. You can click on this down arrow and it's going to open up the search options window. From here, you can narrow down your search. It…
