From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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What is conversion tracking?

What is conversion tracking? - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

What is conversion tracking?

- [Instructor] One of the big reasons that online advertising has become such a big business is that unlike many forms of traditional advertising, it's extremely measurable. And by using the Google Ads conversion tracking feature, we can keep track of how many sales or leads our campaigns are generating. And this helps us invest in our campaigns intelligently. And we can get really granular with this data. By using this feature, we can quickly evaluate whether or not campaigns are profitable for us. And with this information, we can make more informed data-driven decisions, like spending more of our budget on campaigns that are performing well while we simultaneously work to optimize the budget on campaigns that aren't. Now, in order to get started with campaign tracking, it's important to first know what our conversion is. Do we consider the conversion to be the sale of a product, or is the conversion someone simply filling out a form, maybe submitting a request for more information,…
