From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Understand consumer intent in Google Ads - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Understand consumer intent in Google Ads

- [Instructor] If I had to visit the grocery store for a loaf of bread, I'd probably say, "I need to get bread." Instead of saying, "I intend to go to the grocery store." Intent is really driven by a need. You see, we need or want something, and then we're driven to take action. And people search Google in very much the same way. They lead with their needs and wants. And this is really important because when you understand the motivations of your prospective customer, really know what's driving them, then you can create a compelling ad that satisfies their need. Now, without getting too far into the weeds on this, there's roughly three core needs that drive our behaviors, emotional needs, social needs, and functional needs. So if we see someone searching for best budget car for a teenager, well, they very likely have a functional need. They want education on that topic. Help finding that vehicle and reassurance that they're going to be able to meet that functional need. Now, if we see someone searching for best sports car, well, they very likely have a social or emotional need. Perhaps they want to impress, or maybe they really just enjoy the thrill of a sporty vehicle. Now, think about this from the framing of your perspective customer's needs. You'll want the language that you use in your advertisement, the appearance of that landing page, and how you presented your brand to align with their need. And there might be many ways that your product can solve those needs, which represents a great opportunity to have multiple ads tailored to each of those specific needs. For example, if we're marketing a hotel, well, we might have ads that target language around emotional needs, perhaps relaxation or sightseeing. We then might build ads around social needs, say access to dining, the prestige of the hotel and special events. And then finally, we might have ads targeted at functional needs, cleanliness, price, and amenities. So your goal is to constantly ask yourself, what underlying need does this consumer really have? And how are my ads serving that need well?
