From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Review bid adjustments in Google Ads

Review bid adjustments in Google Ads - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Review bid adjustments in Google Ads

- [Presenter] Bid adjustments are a way for us to automatically increase or decrease how much we're willing to pay when various factors are at play. You might want to say adjust your spend depending on the device someone is using, where they're located, or even what time of day it is. Now, there are many places that you can make bid adjustments. So let's look through a few of the common ones together. First, I'll need to drill into a campaign that I want to modify. So I'll select campaigns from the left-hand navigation, and then I'll select the search traffic winter promo, San Francisco campaign from the table view. Now from the left-hand menu, if I scroll down, one of the first places that we can look is devices. In the table view, you'll see that we have three device rows, computers, mobile phones, and tablets. And if you look to the bid adjustment column, you'll see that one of the columns has plus 80%. And this is showing me that I have a bid adjustment applied to mobile phones…
