From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Google Ads campaigns

Google Ads campaigns

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we navigate the Campaign section within Google Ads. Now, I'm here on the Overview page, and we can simply start by selecting a campaign from the filter menu at the top of the page. You'll have the option to search for a campaign, which is great if you have a huge list, or you can select from the dropdown. I'll choose Welcome to the Landon Hotel. Right away the Overview page changes to show us details specific to that campaign, and at any point, we can choose All campaigns in the upper left hand corner to remove that filter. Another way to get into campaigns is to hover over Campaigns on the left-hand navigation, choose Campaigns, and then select Campaigns from the dropdown that appears. Right away we'll notice that we have a chart which shows the performance over the time period that's selected towards the top of the page. At any point, you can select from the dropdown to choose an alternative metric to compare. Here I'll select interactions…
