From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Brainstorm keyword ideas

Brainstorm keyword ideas

- [Instructor] Choosing and organizing your keywords is one of the most important things that you'll do when setting up your paid search account. So you'll need to start by brainstorming a seed list of keywords. Now you can look at the metrics later, and change and evolve them as you scale and refine your campaigns. But you need a place to start. So to get that initial list of keywords, start by visualizing your audience. Put yourself in their shoes, and think about them sitting in front of the computer. What are they thinking? What might they be looking for, and how are they going to go about searching for it? Now, one of the easiest ways to start brainstorming on this exercise is to let Google do some of the work for you. Let me show you. Here on the Google homepage, we have the opportunity to start typing search queries. Let's say that we're making a keyword list for our fictional hotel, the Landin Hotel, and this hotel happens to be opening a new location in San Francisco. So I…
