From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Benefits to using Google Ads

Benefits to using Google Ads - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Benefits to using Google Ads

- [Instructor] There are other search advertising solutions on the web, but the benefits to using Google Ads to manage your advertising are immense. Google Ads offers tremendous reach, precise targeting, and almost limitless measurability. Now, Google also has tools that help you improve, but let's face it, it's really just where most people are going to find what they're looking for online. Now, Google Ads has many benefits, and the first is the ability to target your ads. Targeting lets you go beyond just selecting a keyword to trigger that ad. And for starters, you can set location parameters as broad as countries to as granular as individual cities. You can even decide if you want to target people in a particular location or even people searching for results tied to a particular location. You'll be able to target by languages consumers speak, and a variety of demographic details, such as marital status, education level, and even home ownership. You can even create audiences based…
