From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Contribute to an open-source project

Contribute to an open-source project - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Contribute to an open-source project

- We all depend on open source projects for our jobs, and if you're looking for a job, your contributions can be a great way to set you apart. Now if you have some time, I suggest that you look for a project that you're familiar with or are passionate about. I've done a lot of courses on bootstrap, so this is a great place for me to start. And what you can do to find the potential contributions is right after the URL, type in the contribute entry point and hit return. And you'll be taken to a page where you can find contributions that you can make to the project. Now a lot of these are going to be document contributions. As a matter of fact, 28% of all contributions to projects are documentation contributions. A lot of times it's as easy as finding a typo in a project or making sure that the proper documentation has been written. Another way that you can look for potential contributions is through the Issues tab right…
