From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

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Managing milestones

Managing milestones

- [Instructor] Milestones can be used as another form of identifier to track progress for a collection of issues and pull requests for a particular release or project. To best manage a project, we can view detailed information about our issues within the milestone overview page, such as the description of the milestone, the milestone's due date, the milestone's completion percentage, and a list of the open and closed issues and pull requests associated with the milestone. In order to create a milestone, we can start from the Issues tab in our repo. Next to the Label button, we can click on the Milestone button to oversee any existing milestones and to create a new one. To create a new milestone, simply click the New milestone button. Here we can enter the milestone's title, description, or any other information. I'll be entering a title for a milestone, a projected due date, and a description. Remember to click the…
