From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

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Linking pull requests

Linking pull requests

- [Instructor] An important concept to apply to our team project is ensuring that workflow is as seamless as possible. We can move a step forward in this direction by implementing the built-in feature of linking pull requests to issues to showcase what work has been completed in relation to an open issue. For those who need a recap of what a pull request is, it is a feature within GitHub where team members can split from the project's code base to make changes and allow those changes to be reviewed before joining back to the main code base. You can refer to this documentation on GitHub pull requests for more information. If our team has created a pull request, we can link it to an issue to highlight the change it is related to. We can do so by using a supported keyword in the pull request description or commit message. These are the supported keywords. Close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, and…
