From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

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Differences between an issue, a discussion, and a pull request

Differences between an issue, a discussion, and a pull request - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

Differences between an issue, a discussion, and a pull request

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll dive into the world of collaboration and explore the key differences between an issue, discussion, and pull request on GitHub. Whether you're new or a seasoned GitHub user, understanding these concepts well is crucial to effective teamwork while contributing to projects. Let's get started. Issue. An issue in GitHub is a way to track tasks, enhancements, bugs, or other kinds of conversations related to a repository. Issues have the ability to be linked to new or existing discussions and pull requests, which allow for an ease in management of relevant items. Issues can be labeled as assigned to specific users and organized using milestones. They serve as a central point for collaboration and communication among contributors and users. Issues are primarily text-based and can include comments, images, code, snippets, and links. GitHub discussions is a relatively newer feature that allows for more organized and structured conversations beyond just bug…
