From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams
Creating an issue - GitHub Tutorial
From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams
Creating an issue
- [Narrator] Track work and collaboration on GitHub where development happens. The first step in this LinkedIn Learning course will focus on how to create an issue and the different methods on how to do so. An issue can be conceptualized as a ticket or tracking tool for teams to communicate through with a concentration on a specific idea, work, and/or bugs without ever needing to leave GitHub. Let's take a look. Go to where we'll navigate to the main page of our repository as shown here. Under our repository name we can see the issues tab, which will host all of the issues that have ever been made in this repository. We can click on the tab to open its page. On the right-hand side of the page, we can see the new issue button. By selecting it, we are prompted to provide some information in order to create a new issue. Here it is important to follow some good issue etiquette. It can be broken down into four steps. One, we always want to have one issue created per issue needing a resolution. Two, keep your title short and descriptive. Three, provide evidence such as screenshots, GIFs, or site links. Four, clearly describe the problem to be solved and the steps taken to get to the problem. By using our newfound knowledge, we can enter the information in the field provided to finally create a new issue. Here in the title, I'll be entering nearby user events feature not working, and then a description for our issue. We can then click on the submit new issue button to publish it. GitHub has also integrated the ability to create an issue through a line or lines of code. When you open a issue from code, the issue contains a snippet showing the line or range of code you chose. Navigate to the section of code that you would like to create an issue about. Highlight the desired line or lines of code. For example, if I click on 35, you can see in the left-hand corner three dots that appear. If we click on the three dots, we can then click on reference a new issue to create a new issue. Here it prompts us for the information for our new issue which I'll go ahead and include. As always, once finished, click on the submit new issue button to publish it. We can also create an issue from an ongoing discussion. We can click on the discussion tab up above in our repo to preview the list of all the discussions ever created for the repository. We can select an existing discussion or create a new one if one has never been made before. By navigating into the desired discussion, we can see the create issue from discussion option on the side panel. Select the option to be prompted for the information for our new issue. Here I'll be retitling your title and entering some information for the issue. And then I'm going to go ahead and click on submit new issue and we can see how the discussion is actually linked into the issue. Another method in creating an issue can be through comments. Comments can be left by anyone with access to the repository. By navigating to a comment as shown on the screen, we can go ahead and click on the three dots on the right-hand side. Here we can then click on the reference a new issue. Remember to follow the issue etiquette guidelines to enter the requested information to ensure no misunderstandings occur, as well as recalling to click on the submit new issue button once we are able to publish it. Here I'll be entering a title and some information. We can then click on create issue and as you can see, it went ahead and created an issue from the comment. There are a plethora of methods on how to create issues. Provided to you are the four most common methods, but if you would like to know how to open issue through code scanning or the GitHub CLI, check out this resource to learn how. Congratulations! We have gained the knowledge of knowing that our options to create a new issue can be through a repo, code, discussion, or comment. Choose the most convenient method for your own workflow.
Creating an issue4m 17s
Using task lists2m 39s
Adding assignees2m 1s
Linking pull requests2m 33s
Differences between an issue, a discussion, and a pull request2m 27s
Managing labels2m 33s
Managing milestones2m 33s
Using templates2m 50s
Challenge: DIY issue34s
Solution: DIY issue4m 48s