From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

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Attaching and removing issues to and from a project board

Attaching and removing issues to and from a project board - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Issues and Projects for Teams

Attaching and removing issues to and from a project board

- [Instructor] GitHub projects can track a couple of different items besides just proposed issues, which includes draft issues and pull requests. But in this video, we will specifically focus on tracking issues. To begin building our GitHub project, we'll be using the existing issues we created in chapter one to attach to and populate project. As there are several built in ways to attach issues to a project, we will highlight each method which includes copying and pasting the URL of a specific issue, searching for an issue within the UI, attaching multiple issues through the repo page, or attaching a specific issue within the issue page itself. We will also cover how to remove items from a project. Let's go over how we can populate our projects with some issues. As mentioned, there are several ways to attach an issue to a project. We will first show how to do so using a direct URL. We can head to the specific issue we…
