From the course: Getting Started with Python Object Oriented Programming: A Hands-On Approach

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- [Instructor] Congratulations, you have now reached the end of this course. What we have covered in this course is a great foundation for becoming a competent object-oriented Python programmer. However, this is a deep topic and practice is required. You can certainly start making use of what you've learned here in your own projects, and hopefully now have increased confidence to try an object-oriented approach where you might not have before. You will also find that if you read through existing code written in an OOP style, you will understand much better how it works. There is a huge amount of excellent quality code available on the internet, and I encourage you to find and explore examples which interest you. A great place to start is on GitHub, look for projects which have lots of stars and watches to begin with, as this is often an indication of better quality code. I hope you have found this course interesting and helpful, and I wish you the best of luck with your future…
