From the course: Getting Started with Python Object Oriented Programming: A Hands-On Approach
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Terminology - Python Tutorial
From the course: Getting Started with Python Object Oriented Programming: A Hands-On Approach
- [Instructor] Now that you've had a chance to get your hands dirty and write some actual Python OOP code, we're going to backtrack a bit and look at some of the terminology and concepts that we covered. So probably the most important concept in all of this is a class. You can think of a class as a template. In the real world, an example of this would be a cookie cutter. So this provides the template for the individual cookies that we make. Another example would be the blueprints for a particular type of plane, say a Boeing 747 or something like that. The blueprints are not the same as an actual instance of that plane. On the screen, you can see the class definition from the example we did in the last video. An object is a particular instance of the thing that the template is designed to make. So if the class were a cookie cutter, an object made from that class would be an individual cookie. Another word for an object is an instance. So an instance of a class is an object. And then…