From the course: Geospatial Data Analytics Essential Training

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Map projections

Map projections

- In this video, we will talk about a concept called map projections. One of the main assumptions of geospatial analytics is that while we are studying the Earth, a three-dimensional object with a nearly spherical shape, all the analytics are conducted on a two-dimensional screen, and most of our maps appear on two-dimensional printed paper as well. This raises the question, how can we accurately project three-dimensional space into two dimensions? The short answer is through map projections, which refers to a set of mathematical rules that describe the steps required to convert 3D space to 2D. These sets of rules are encoded in the spatial reference system, or coordinate reference system, shortly, CRS, which is a framework used to precisely measure locations on Earth's surface as coordinates. Fortunately, nowadays, we don't have to do any of these calculations manually. Geopandas handles it all using other libraries in the background. Now, let's see how. Also, note that this topic…
