From the course: Generative Design Foundations
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The genetic algorithm
From the course: Generative Design Foundations
The genetic algorithm
- The genetic algorithm was first published in the book by John Holland in 1960. Since then it's been used to solve optimization problems across many different industries like engineering, logistics, and transportation. Although many other optimization algorithms have been developed in the years since, the genetic algorithm remains one of the most popular because of it's simplicity and easy application to a wide range of optimization problems. As the name suggests, the genetic algorithm is based loosely on the way evolution works in nature. In natural evolution, species evolve based on three concepts, reproduction, mutation, and survival of the fittest. In nature, when an offspring is born, it competes with others in it's species to survive in it's environments. If it survives long enough into adulthood, it can reproduce with another member of it's species to create a new offspring. If the offspring inherits the best…