From the course: Generative Design Foundations
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Objectives and constraints
From the course: Generative Design Foundations
Objectives and constraints
- Calculating a set of metrics from our generative model allows us to tell the computer the criteria by which to judge the design solutions. To guide the computer, we must also describe our priorities for these metrics, which we do by setting each one as either an objective or a constraint. An objective represents a value that we want to be as low or as high as possible. This gives the computer a way to understand the relative performance of different design options. If an objective is to be minimized, a design with a lower value will always be considered better than a design with a higher value. A constraint, on the other hand, has a specific target which must be met for the design to be considered valid. As long as the constraint is met, the exact value doesn't matter and all designs that meet the target are considered equally good. Objectives and constraints give us a nuanced way to communicate our design goals…