From the course: Generative Design Foundations

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Matthew Clark and Zak Kostura - Arup, part 1

Matthew Clark and Zak Kostura - Arup, part 1

From the course: Generative Design Foundations

Matthew Clark and Zak Kostura - Arup, part 1

- When a structural engineer has programmed a computer to solve a series of problems or the same problem 10,000 times, the computer returns a result, generally drawing of everything you look at. And the human sometimes will look at that and say "Well, some of this just doesn't make sense," 'cause the computer really lacks that sense of rationalization. Let's say there's two columns in a building, they are almost the identical situations and I believe that the contractor will want to build those the same way. But because in the script one has flipped either side of a threshold, one is rounded up from 10 one is rounded down, they've ended up with different situations. I come back in at the end, well, our team comes back in at the end in sort of a stick shift manner and finds those as a human and corrects them and rationalizes them and makes them right. And that's the ability then to sort turn the, have the trust…
