From the course: Generative AI Imaging: What Creative Pros Need to Know

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Some final thoughts on AI

Some final thoughts on AI

- In the late 80s and early 90s, we were sold the idea of the information age. We were told there was an information superhighway that we could get on board. That phrase made its way into presidential campaigns, merchants of all kinds, software merchants, hardware merchants, political merchants. They all tried to sell us on this idea that the most valuable commodity and the most important technology was this newfangled information technology. Now, I'm not a Luddite, there was a lot of value in that technology, but there were also a lot of lies in that idea those merchants were selling. Access to information does not inherently make you smarter. In fact, at the dawn of the information age, most of the information was already there for you to access. The new technology didn't gain you access to anything new, it just made it faster to get to. It did not absolutely inherently give you an advantage. In fact, most of the time…
