From the course: Generative AI Imaging: What Creative Pros Need to Know
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How an AI Image generator works
From the course: Generative AI Imaging: What Creative Pros Need to Know
How an AI Image generator works
- Writing software that knows how to render an image of anything based off of a text description, that requires a lot of math. If you can't follow the math, any explanation of how an AI generator works is always going to have some holes in it, and will rely on a lot of metaphors that mostly make sense, but not always entirely. What's more, the big three AI generators right now, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, they each take different approaches to this problem. Out there on the web you can find some very good detailed descriptions of how these individual systems work. To try to explain all three here would take far more time than we have, so for the purpose of this course we're not going to go into detail on how these systems work under the hood. Instead, I want to hit some higher level ideas. These systems are all dependent on software neural network technology. This is a field of study that's been around…
AI in action6m 22s
Applied AI imaging5m 41s
AI for people who hire creatives4m 47s
What AI content generation is not3m 11s
How an AI Image generator works4m 50s
You might already be using AI4m 25s
How can you add an AI media generator to your workflow?3m 52s
Is this actually legal?5m 15s
But is it art?4m 47s