From the course: Generative AI Imaging: What Creative Pros Need to Know

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Applied AI imaging

Applied AI imaging

- I don't know if this is true for everyone, but it's certainly what I did, and when I look around on photo sharing sites, it seems to be what a lot of other people do. I'm talking about creating your first images with an AI. It seems that the first thing a lot of people try is to create weird non-sequitur juxtapositions, penguins on Mars, Viking warriors in shopping malls, that sort of thing. These will become the modern equivalence of old paintings of dogs playing poker. Anyway, somewhere in there, people get curious and check out if the AI can make an image of them. I can tell you right now that unless you are extremely famous, straight out of the box an AI does not know how to render images of you. Eventually though, people get bored with just messing around and they start looking for ways to apply this technology to real output. The first thing you need to know is that right now, these systems do not render images…
