From the course: Generative AI and Predictive AI in the Cloud: Foundational Concepts and Scenarios
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How predictive AI can enhance automation: Chatbots
From the course: Generative AI and Predictive AI in the Cloud: Foundational Concepts and Scenarios
How predictive AI can enhance automation: Chatbots
Let's now explore a new scenario based on the use of cloud-based AI systems together with chatbot technology. As with an RPA application or other types of business apps, a chatbot solution can also benefit from new insights that can be revealed by analysis performed by a predictive AI system. Not only may there be ways to enhance the utilization or deployment of the chatbot software programs, there will likely be many ways that the chatbot dialogue can be improved or expanded. The predictive AI system can figure out these types of improvements by studying training data from past conversations with customers, and further assessing the quality of dialogue and customer satisfaction resulting from those conversations. As we did with the RPA solution, we can now consider giving the AI system autonomous decision-making responsibility for our chatbot solution. For example, instead of being restricted to predetermined responses for certain types of conversations, the AI could choose from a…