From the course: G-Code Programming for CNC Foundations

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G84: Tapping

G84: Tapping

- In this movie, we're going to be learning about tapping and let me show you what I've programmed so far. So right over here, you can already see, we've already spot drilled the holes, we've drilled the holes and now we're ready to tap the holes. So I'm going to go ahead and right click on this operation here and I'm going to show you what's going on behind the scenes. Now, I'm going to be spinning the rpm at 750rpm for this tap. Now, if I come over here, I've selected all the holes, the depths I'm going to be coming down to a negative half of an inch into that hole and over here, under Tapping, I'm selecting the, obviously, the Tapping cycle. Now, some machines might have a Tapping cycle and a Rigid Tapping cycle, but most newer machines, if you chose Tapping, it's automatically going to be a rigid tapping cycle. So let's go ahead and verify this real quick. So I'm going to simulate real quick and let's go ahead and run that. Alright, so that should be going in and tapping each and…
