From the course: G-Code Programming for CNC Foundations

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G02 and G03: Circular interpolation

G02 and G03: Circular interpolation - G-Code Tutorial

From the course: G-Code Programming for CNC Foundations

G02 and G03: Circular interpolation

- In this movie, we're going to be learning about circular movies. And circular moves are defined in G code as either a G2, for a clockwise circular move, or a G3, for a counterclockwise circular move. Now a couple things to keep in mind when you're using a G2 or a G3 is we need to use a G1 or a feed move to get to the position to where we want to start that arc from. Secondly, we're going to call that G2 or G3 with the X and Y values for the ending position of that arc, where we want to end that arc at, and we want to use values which are absolute from the work offset we're using, just like we would use in pretty much any other type of motion in a G1 or a G0 command. It's going to be an absolute position from that work offset. The next thing we need to do is we need to tell the machine where the center of the arc is. And this is an incremental position from were we start from. And we define that incremental position using an I, a J, or a K. So the I is for X, the J is for Y, and a K…
