From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering

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The goal of data transformation

The goal of data transformation

- [Instructor] It's important to take some time and think about what the goal for this course will be. So I'd love for you to take a minute, sit down, and think about what you'd like to get out of this course. But briefly, I'll describe what I consider to be the course mission or why I wrote this course and what I hope you're able to take away from it. So my goal in creating The Fundamentals of Data Transformation is to provide a basis for transforming data with SQL and pandas that really focuses on the underlying concepts of data transformation. In technology, things change pretty fast, but often, the underlying concepts are the things that will be true for a very long time or evergreen, in a sense, and through hands-on learning and a focus on doing rather than repeating or memorizing, I really hope that you'll glimpse into the life of a practitioner, whether that be a data analyst or a data engineer and a tinkerer, not just a robot. So I really hope you enjoy this course, and I hope…
