From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
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SQL challenge - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
SQL challenge
(intro music) - [Instructor] So we've completed the SQL lessons for the course, and now it's time for our SQL Challenge, and you'll have a chance to test your knowledge here. For time, I'd allot a maximum of one to two hours for this challenge, and that's definitely on the upper estimate there. I'd expect it would take you much less time. And the reason is that the challenge falls directly from our work on SQL. Everything in this challenge we have covered in the course has been covered in either the repo or in the videos that we've been working through. And solutions can be found in the course repo. I'll show you where to find those and how to access them. But we're also going to walk through those solutions in our next video. So, if you want to go through that in a bit more detail, we're going to do that after you finish the challenge. And finally, if you get stuck, I'd recommend you use Stack Overflow, use an LLM if you want, or take a peek at only the next step in the solution…
DuckDB basics and query structure4m 2s
Wrangling unstructured data10m 30s
Joins and comparisons10m 19s
Aggregations10m 16s
Windows functions: A quick refresher5m 41s
Window functions10m 15s
Advanced filters3m 9s
Advanced joins8m 12s
Lambdas and UDFs10m 3s
Data generation4m 52s
SQL challenge2m 37s
SQL solution13m 8s