From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering

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SQL bonus challenge

SQL bonus challenge

(lively music) - [Instructor] So if you're watching this video, I'm really excited you've decided to take the challenge and tackle this bonus exercise. This one's just kind of more fun and it has more to do with combinations and permutations, something that we discussed a bit in SQL but is kind of outside of this course. And if you're wondering how I came up with this, I was basically just playing around and thought, "Oh, this would be fun to share with people." This would be fun data to play around with to see if you really have a really good understanding of SQL as a language to get through this data. So this is very similar to how we started other exercises off. I'm just in the blank-exercise_bonus file in the appendix section with sql-bonus-exercise. And here I'm going to initialize duckdb and then load in our data source, which is a DataFrame of Powerball rows. And Powerball is just a lottery in the United States if you're joining us internationally. So if I SELECT * FROM…
