From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
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pandas challenge - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
pandas challenge
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] So now we can get started with our pandas Challenge since we've covered all the topics we need to for our data transformations with pandas. So I want to emphasize that this is maybe an overestimate of the amount of time it'll take you to complete these lessons but I would allot one to two hours for this challenge, maybe a little bit less but you'll definitely be able to complete these solutions in that window. Again, this follows directly from our work with pandas, So everything that's in this exercise we'll then cover in the course or in the videos. Additionally, solutions can be found in the course repo. I'll show you where those are. And we'll have a video that covers those challenges and my solution to the exercises we'll present. Again, another call-out. Your solutions might look different than mine. There are multiple ways to do things, especially with Python and especially with pandas. And that's okay, that's really good in a sense because it kind…
DataFrame basics6m 14s
Wrangling unstructured data13m 41s
Select and filter10m 49s
Order and aggregate9m 47s
Advanced filters3m 53s
Data generation6m 37s
Windows5m 26s
Apply6m 14s
pandas challenge2m
pandas solution12m 45s