From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering

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Lambdas and UDFs

Lambdas and UDFs

- [Instructor] So, we've covered most of the advanced SQL concepts that we're going to talk about. And this lesson's a little different. It talks about two things specific to DuckDB or specific to the SQL dialect you'll be working with. And so, that's an important point to note that different variants of SQL, so if you're writing against maybe a cloud native database like BigQuery or Redshift, these variants of SQL have different functionalities and so, you can do some things in certain variants that you can't in others. But one of the cool things about DuckDB is that it has a lot of functionality. So we can simulate some of the features that you'll bump into as you explore different SQL databases whether that be Postgres, or MySQL, or SQL Light. But the two concepts we're going to talk about here are Lambdas and UDFs. And UDFs stands for user-defined functions. The name is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. They're functions that we define and execute arbitrarily. I'll run the…
