From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering

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DuckDB basics and query structure

DuckDB basics and query structure

- [Instructor] In our first lesson, we'll be learning data transformation in SQL with DuckDB. And this will be pretty straightforward, this video. We'll just be walking through how to run SQL in each cell, we'll be talking about how our SQL exercises work, we'll talk about how to tinker in this framework, and we'll also give an introduction to the first lesson and get started. So we can jump right into it. And once we're in our code space, we need only open the SQL folder and navigate to the Lessons directory to see a list of the lessons that we'll be interacting with. So clicking into the first lesson, DuckDB Basics, is pretty straightforward and all we need to do is run the first cell. And that's going to prompt us to choose an environment in our code space. So we'll select the only environment that exists and all of the necessary libraries should be loaded and we're ready to start running the cells in our course. So running the first cell should display this message when it…
