From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering

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Data generation

Data generation

- [Matt] So we've made it to the last lesson in our SQL section, and this lesson's going to be about data generation. And you might be thinking, "Okay, well, Matt, we're transforming data, we shouldn't be generating more data." But data generation is actually a pretty important concept and I'll give you an example, which we'll talk about more later in this course. But if you have a result or a data frame with a non-continuous range, for example, the number is 135 and you want to compute an average, or you want to otherwise measure a rolling window over that range, you can't do that accurately without continuous numbers. So a common pattern is generating a range of data, so say the numbers zero through five, and then joining data into that range to have continuous values with either nulls or zeros or that data doesn't exist. And so I'm going to show you how to do that in SQL, this might come in handy for other uses. I've used data generation ranges of numbers for a ton of things in my…
