From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
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Aggregations - SQL Tutorial
From the course: Fundamentals of Data Transformation for Data Engineering
- [Instructor] In this lesson we're going to talk about aggregations. And aggregations are really important. They might be the meat and kind of core of data transformation because aggregations help us describe things by the group that they exist in. And we'll get started by loading our dataset and we're going to have some fun digging into the parks table here. But we'll start with maybe the most basic aggregation, and that is count. And so if you run a count star, if you're just counting the number of rows that exists for some dataset. Here, we're counting the number of parks with a national park designation, but we can also count by state. And so if we run this query, which is grouping by state and ordering by the number of parks, so theoretically the states with the most parks should be at the top, you can see we get a nice result here. But this might not be the most accurate because as we saw before, states is actually a list of strings. Or rather it's just a single string…
DuckDB basics and query structure4m 2s
Wrangling unstructured data10m 30s
Joins and comparisons10m 19s
Aggregations10m 16s
Windows functions: A quick refresher5m 41s
Window functions10m 15s
Advanced filters3m 9s
Advanced joins8m 12s
Lambdas and UDFs10m 3s
Data generation4m 52s
SQL challenge2m 37s
SQL solution13m 8s