From the course: Freelancing Tips

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What is a sales funnel?

What is a sales funnel?

- One of the first things you learn as a freelancer is that not every conversation turns into a paying client, even if the conversation is promising. But over time, you begin to notice patterns in the conversations that do turn prospects into clients. Or, places you're more likely to find those potential clients. Maybe it starts with an introductory meeting or call. If the call goes really well, maybe you send a proposal. If the client agrees to your proposal, you send a contract. And when they sign the contract and submit payment, the project begins. This is just an example, but you see that there are steps in the process that leads to the ultimate outcome of starting the project. You'll want to use those patterns or steps to your advantage with a sales funnel. A sales funnel essentially moves the prospect from that first interaction to final sale, or to becoming a paying client. I recommend looking at your sales funnel in four steps. First, at the top of your funnel, you have the…
