From the course: Freelancing Foundations

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Marketing yourself as a freelancer

Marketing yourself as a freelancer

From the course: Freelancing Foundations

Marketing yourself as a freelancer

- When I started freelancing the hardest part was getting my first few clients. I didn't know how to describe what I was doing and I couldn't answer the classic question of, so what do you do? But if you don't let people know you're available to hire, no one will do it. And you'll be as broke as I was for those first few months. You need to market yourself before anyone else will. Now I'm not saying that you need to start paying for ads on social media or sending flyers in the mail. I'm saying that you need to get comfortable talking about yourself and the the services that you provide. Think about why a client would hire you, or why you would hire someone else. Clients hire who they think will be the best person for the job. But best is a relative term for each potential client. So you need to do what you can to figure out what factors they're considering. That may be experience, price, past work, working style, or…
