From the course: Freelancing Foundations

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Making freelance full time

Making freelance full time

- Freelancing is a fantastic way to earn your own income, even if it's only part-time. But you may decide that you want to give up the typical nine to five, and freelance full-time. And now that you know how to manage your time, market yourself, and sell projects to clients, you're off to a great start. If you're going to leave your job, be sure to give your employer plenty of notice so you don't burn a bridge. A lot of freelancers even offer their former employer the opportunity to become a client. This is a fantastic way to secure your first client while buying yourself some time for finding new clients. To keep learning, I recommend checking out my Freelancing Tips course, right here on LinkedIn. And feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or visit my website at For most freelancers, there's nothing better than the freedom of being your own boss. It's not easy, but I hope this course has given you…
